In this age of information overload, it is important to use efficient engagement techniques to prevent users from forgetting you. Here is a list of possibilities.
People love games!
Of course, people only play good games and they tend to do this for many reasons: pleasure, competition, rewards (e.g. badges). Some people are even ready to pay in order to play.
Imagine creating your own game on Facebook and making it become successful. This can be very beneficial for branding, obtaining leads and even promoting your products through custom ads.
In addition to games, there is a tendency towards serious apps adopting gamification techniques. This is true for local apps (say, showing things happening nearby), apps for healthcare and for education, among others.
Do not hesitate to contact us for creating your own Facebook apps.
Contests are also a good way to drive user engagement. Contests which work well are those which allow participants to upload their own user-generated content e.g. images, videos, etc.
It is also possible to create a contest where users are asked to complete a challenge and reward those who win with interesting prizes. In the picture above, you can see such a contest that we created for QBL. The idea was to show different pictures to the Facebook user and ask him/her to count the number of Mountain Dew bottles in each of them. Winners were rewarded with prizes.
Other ways to drive user engagement
Money is a scarce resource. Allowing people to save money is a good way to drive user engagement online. There are various mechanisms for doing so. For example, an organisation with a Facebook page can reward regular fans with coupons or early notice of upcoming promotions. It is also possible to ask fans to tell all their friends that they are visiting a certain shop and reward them with gifts, discounts, etc.
Another way to increase user engagement is to create a question of the week and/or create polls. People like to respond to challenges. Human beings like to brag… when they win.
Work to do
Conceptualise a game which is relevant to your target audience and which will drive user engagement on your Facebook page.
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