This topic is part of our Linux System Administration training
vi (which stands for visual) is the standard Linux text editor. Unlike most text editors, it is modal. Learning vi is essential if one wants to become a good Linux system administrator.
The following aspects of vi need to be known:
- Starting vi
- Moving around
- Moving to lines
- Editing text
- Search & replace
- Quitting vi
Text Processing
One area where Linux excels is the processing of enormous volumes of text using pipes and filters.
We will start by looking at text streams and filters in order to master:
- Piping
- wc, head, and tail
- expand, unexpand, and tr
- sort and uniq
- cut, paste, and join
- sed etc.
Then we will cover all aspects of redirection:
- Output redirection
- Input redirection
Finally, we will learn about regular expressions as used in most text processing utilities in Linux.
This topic is part of our Linux System Administration training
it is very fabulious
Thanks Vikrissen.
Hope you find the links to the various online resources useful.