Why should I follow this course?
- Javascript and jQuery are essential skills
- Acquire the skills required to develop highly interactive web applications which will run on a wide range of platforms and greatly improve the user’s experience
- Master Javascript as a prerequisite to access advanced HTML5 features such as GPS (geolocation) and local storage
- Benefit from the individual attention and expertise of the trainers who are professional programmers and learn in an atmosphere which is conducive to learning.
- Develop real applications in a practical environment with each participant using an individual PC with the latest software and Internet access

Nowadays users expect web applications to behave like desktop applications. They expect high-quality user interfaces allowing for complex interactions. This training course covers Javascript which is the fundamental programming platform used to build highly interactive web applications. The course also covers jQuery, an open source, cross-browser, Javascript library which greatly simplifies client-side development.
This 30-hour MQA-approved training (course code: Web2) will run one day per week from 09:00-16:00 over five weeks at a venue to be announced soon. The MQA-registered trainer is Avinash Meetoo.

Entry requirements
Topics covered
- Javascript syntax and semantics
- Objects and Functions
- Arrays and Lists
- DOM Manipulation
- Selecting elements
- Element properties and attributes
- The event model
- Animation and effects
- Using utility functions
- Asynchronous Javascript (Ajax)

The course is MQA-approved and costs Rs 22,000 per participant. All fees are payable upon booking of seats. This is our policy in case of cancellation. Eligible companies can get refunds from the HRDC.Become a Knowledge7 Associate, refer people to our training courses and earn 10% of what we receive as training fee.

Book a seat
To book a seat for this course, please download our booking form, fill it in and send it to us by email () or fax (5834-9001).